This platform serves as an interactive resource for ISPOR stakeholders to connect around the world. As a participant, you have the opportunity to engage in conversation, contribute resources, share experiences, sign up for volunteer opportunities, and provide HEOR content. You will also be able to network with colleagues to fulfill ISPOR’s mission of improving health care decision making globally.
Hi Cheryl, thanks for your interest. To clarify, these ideas that were discussed in the group session, but we don't currently have anyone assigned to them. Therefore, if you are interested in either of them (or both), I would encourage you to take the ...
Hi Kate and COA SIG members - I wasn't at the Barcelona meeting and would like to express my interest in two ideas on your list: 1) Review of COAs in label language - this will be an interesting exercise, with high impact for the industry. We would ...
As a health equity advocate, my questions about RWE started on feasibility of use in poorer countries . LMICs still lack infrastructure, legislations or knowledge to reap the benefits of using RWD, which will introduce another disparity that needs to ...
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